
Glute Squad UK

glutesquad uk


tjn worked closely with glute squad on the launch of their brand new website

tjn worked closely with glute squad on the launch of their brand new website

the story

Glute Squad believe that through exercise. We also believe the key muscles to a strong body is none-other than the largest and most powerful muscles in the human body.

the work

  • web design.
  • web development.
  • wordpress.
  • e-commerce.

the challenge

The main challenge we faced working with Glute Squad is that they are a fresh company with a unique idea and have worked hard on crafting their products to help their customers.

We wanted their website to be fresh and capture both the essence of their product range and just how much it would help their customers.

We believe they have created some ground-breaking products and they needed to be able to display these with relevant information and an ease to sell products on the website.

our solution

We started to work on the new layout and colour scheme for the website, we had new features to integrate, such as Vimeo & YouTube API's and a new cleaner approach at displaying videos through a customised player skin. we also integrated advanced custom fields for content management and AOS for animation on the website.

We started working on the layout and colour scheme that would be used across the website and their branded material, we integrated YouTube API's, Mailchimp, WooCommerce + the most popular payment and promotional tools for their websites ranging from pop-ups to discount wheels used to share deals with customers.

We integrated the website using WooCommerce and the latest features to make sure their website is at its optimal best making sure they integrated all the latest tools such as Twilio for Text Messaging, Mailchimp for Newsletters, Tidlo for Live Chat & Jetpack to make sure the site is always monitored and incrementally backed up at all times.

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